I am currently in the Tokyo airport.
I have a 12 hour layover before I head to Hanoi, Vietnam to visit Renée.
I was planning a trip to Okinawa, Japan, but those plans were canceled so I decided to head over to South East Asia and join Renée in her adventures. She has been visiting different countries in the area and it sounds amazing. We have not seen each other in too long, (like always). So needless to say, I am as excited to see her beautiful face as I am to travel to new places.
Taking the time off from school should not be too hard. This quarter's classes are pretty easy. The hardest part will be taking an online midterm while I'm traveling. I don't expect any issues, but I spoke with my professor about my concerns of internet failure in the middle of the exam anyway. He was very understanding and said to just try it and if it fails, I can just take the exam when I come back to school. How awesome is that? I also have to remember to bring back some beach sand and shells for him. (He teaches marine paleoecology, among other classes)
To pass the time on flights and in airports, I brought two books to read. The first is "The Silver Linings Playbook." I have almost finished it already. It's a really good book. I like the style of the writing; it's very... human. The other book is "And The Mountains Echoed." I'm not sure what to expect with this one. I borrowed it from a friend, so I'll take his word that it's a good one.
It was hard to sleep on the plane. The only movie option that I interested me was "Big Hero Six." And of coarse it was entertaining. It even played with my feels a bit.
There were two "free" meals on the plane. I say "free" because I'm sure the cost of the meals were included in the ticket purchase. They were wonderfully delicious for airplane meals though. Not too bad. Not too bad at all.
Sitting in front of me was a young boy, maybe 5 years old or so. He was quite entertaining. Continuously turning around and standing in his seat to hold a conversation with me. Little chatter box he was. He showed me his various transformer toys and told me some of his favorite things in his life. He made me smile.
Because I don't ever get much sleep on planes, I'm going to get some rest here at the airport. I will conclude with a quote that not only is applicable to my current activities, but also to life in general:
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page." - Saint Augustine
So happy to see you! :)