Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Free avocado for everyone! :D

Oh my glob.

I've been working on a geologic timeline of Earth for a total of about 7 hours so far... I think I have another hour or two before I'm done.

Lunch break

Walked over to subway. Got the us[ual]. Footlong BLT on honey oat bread with lots-o-veggies. Avocado being one of my things I like on my sammies... They totes didn't charge me for the avocado! I love it when that happens!

... Back to studying for finals.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh, Renee, where art thou?

Guess what today is?!?!?!

This afternoon I am driving to Vancouver to pick up my bestie :D

Renee and I go way back:

We met in the fourth grade. She was that weird horse girl though, so I didn't really want to be her friend. Then two years down the road we enter middle school. I decide that it is okay to be friends. A lot happened in middle school. A lot more happened in high school.

Long story short: during high school we practically became one until we left for college.

When it was time for everyone to go to college, Renee went to Nova Scotia. As much as I am sad that she left and miss her oh so much, I am glad that she went out and did something different. She is going to take a lot away from the experience of being so far away from everything that she once knew. She's made lots of new friends over there. I have met some of them through this invention called Skype. It's like being together. Only, you're not.

Anywho, she only ever came home to visit during winter holiday, and summer break.


So it's been a whole year since I've seen her last.

And I can't wait until I get to see her face when I pick her up from the airport!!!!!

WAAAAAaaaaaaaHHHHHHhhhhh!!!!!!!! (With arms flailing up in the air)

^That is me not being able to control my excitement.

Autumn, you make me smile :)

Boy oh boy was this a good weekend.

Friday right after school, Autumn and I went to 
Jalapanos for some Big Mamas.


On the walk to Jalapanos, we saw this on the side of a building:

THEN! We went to Rumors. Got some long islands.

While we were at Rumors, we took pictures in a photo booth! 

I forgot that we had taken pictures in a photo booth until the next day coming off the mountain. It was in my jacket pocket still!

You make me smile, Autumn :)

Then Saturday on the mountain was mostly a gray. It snowed lots.

Sunday on the mountain: Great!

There was a good amount of fresh snow. Sunny and blue skies for a good part of the day. Rode pretty hard. By the time I got back to town, I just kinda passed out. I was exhausted from the awesome day.

So, I'm usually at school when I write my blogs. And most likely in the mac lab in the Com building.

In the twenty minutes that I've been at this computer, 3 people have tried using the one next to me. They move the mouse around. Nothing happens. They look around the edges of the screen. Nothing. They look confused, then walk away.

A fourth person just walked up These things started happening again. So, I told him where the monitor power button was. haha.